Aalia Oursbourn
Aalia is an American British actor. Los Angeles-based Aalia Oursbourn is an artist who takes imagination to new heights. Aalia's journey began as a model in her early teens when the agency discovered her aged thirteen. Aalia earned the degree of engineer in London after which she moved to America and embarking on a filmmaking career. Her life style is enhanced by a set of handsome graduation certificates that she has from a prestigious University. While growing up she explored the Lifestyle of America and British so writing about culture was easy for her. She is a photographer blogger, and online traveler who stays up-to-date with fashions and styles of different nations. Photo-blogging allows her to educate people on fitness and health. Aalia has worked with a variety of multinational corporations, as well as model for National Magazines. Aalia is featured in several prominent international magazines.
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